Keith and I met through our dear friend Chad Millner who coerced me into getting my oil changed at Tri County. Believe it or not we hit it off from the start...however it took 2 more years for us to start dating...those of you who know Keith and I, know we don't rush into anything! (haha) We had many phone conversations (even one that went 5 hours and killed the battery on his phone as well as in his boat) and began our official relationship on the 13th of October 2002 (at one of his fishing tournaments of course). The number 13 plays a vital role in Keith's life as it has always been his lucky number and now we will continue that tradition when we are married on September 13, 2008.
WHEN WE GOT ENGAGED September 29, 2007
HOW IT HAPPENED Keith is very active with a charity fishing event for LifelIne Youth (a program for disadvantaged kids) called Fish With The Pros in Traverse City, Michigan (a place we both love to visit). This year I also volunteered at the event. I had worked the weigh in and Keith was "socializing" with his buddies (though he calles it "working") so we didn't get to talk most of the day. He called my cell phone and asked me to come over to the boat b/c he had something to show me. I of course had other things to do. After quite a bit of persuasion I reluctantly went to the boat. He then tried to get me in the boat (although I wasn't the least bit interested in what he wanted to show me b/c I have seen many of the fish he has caught before...at least that's what I thought he wanted to show me) however I got in the boat and with the livewell opened he got down on one knee and pulled the ring from the livewell and asked if I would be his wife. How fitting for the couple who spends most of their time together on the boat or at a tournament either fishing or working!

September 13, 2008
2:30 pm
First St John's Lutheran Church...Toledo, Ohio
Keith and I are excited to have the date set for September 13th and hope that everyone can celebrate with us the day that we have waited a LONG time for!

St. Michael's Center
Navarre Ave. Oregon, Ohio
Reception & Appetizers start at 6:00
Dinner served at 6:45
Celebrate all night long!!

Please check back for travel plans

Thank you so much for being a special part of our lives and we look forward to celebrating with you on our big day!
See you on September 13th!!